Discover how your unique genetic profile can assist you with your fitness and aerobic performance the Fitgenes ActiveChoice™ DNA report!
Fitness and athletic performance are influenced by the body’s ability to efficiently deliver oxygen and nutrients to muscles while removing waste products. The cardiovascular and respiratory systems facilitate the transport of oxygen and nutrients through the bloodstream, playing a crucial role in this process. Growing evidence has found a relationship between genetic variations and athletic performance. In particular, genes can impact factors such as muscle fiber composition, oxygen-carrying capacity, and response to training.
While genetics can provide useful information, it’s essential to remember that environmental factors, training, and dedication also play a significant role in an individual’s overall fitness and athletic performance.
How ActiveChoice™ can help you
This is a personalised genetic report that aims to identify how your unique genotype can influence your ability to respond to various exercise-related outcomes so that this information, combined with other assessments, can be used to design more personalised and targeted recommendations to improve your overall fitness and athletic performance.
Your privacy is important to us
Fitgenes takes your privacy very seriously. We don’t share or sell data and have an extremely high level of protection when we manage your samples and data, using bank-level encryption and 24 hour security.