Includes GST and shipping within Australia. Please contact us for orders outside of Australia.

Diet-related health issues can be frustrating and debilitating, often involving multiple visits to clinicians and specialists.
Symptoms of food sensitivity can manifest in many forms, from low-level intolerance to certain foods, up to chronic responses like Coeliac Disease.
Fitgenes applies its expertise in genetics to provide personalised advice and interventions to prevent diet-related health complaints, using nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics.
Nutrigenetics: the study of the impact of genetic variation on dietary responses
Nutrigenomics: the scientific discipline that studies how nutrients affect gene expression
Put simply, your genes are not your destiny: you can modify your genetic predisposition to certain conditions by making the right dietary and lifestyle choices.
Our reports are easy to understand, but if you need a little bit of extra help, we’re here for you.
Our network of trained and accredited practitioners will help interpret your personalised genetic report and guide you through your FoodChoice journey.
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Includes GST and shipping within Australia. Please contact us for orders outside of Australia.
How FoodChoice™ can help you
FoodChoice™ is a simple, home DNA test (mouth swab) that targets diet-related health concerns including:
Differences Between Allergies, Intolerances and Sensitivities

Some of the symptoms of food allergies, food intolerances, and food sensitivities often overlap, although these are different conditions.
A true food allergy involves the immune system attacking a particular harmless food, and even small amounts can cause a reaction. Coeliac disease also involves the immune system, but this is an autoimmune disease, where a person’s immune system attacks its own cells in response to gluten intake.
On the other hand, a food intolerance refers to a difficulty digesting certain substances, such as lactose and alcohol. This is generally due to an inefficiency of the enzyme (a protein that accelerates chemical reactions) involved in the process. Histamine intolerance is slightly different. This occurs when the body accumulates too much of it, and symptoms can look like those associated with seasonal allergies.
Finally, food sensitivities happen when the normal side effects of substances, such as caffeine and salt, are exaggerated. As a result, a person can become more sensitive to the effects of that substance in comparison to other people.
Your privacy is important to us
Fitgenes takes your privacy very seriously. We don’t share or sell data and have an extremely high level of protection when we manage your samples and data, using bank-level encryption and 24 hour security.