Your genes play an important role in your food preferences and eating behaviour. This can directly impact your genetic predisposition for obesity, diabetes, and risk of many chronic diseases.

Lack of satiety after eating is one of the most important mechanisms through which genetic predisposition is linked with weight gain risk in certain environments. There are well-known genes involved in the regulation of body weight through satiety control, in which variations contribute to weight gain or even difficulty implementing fasting regimes.
The perception of tastes such as bitter and sweet is impacted by the efficiency of taste receptors. People with a genetic predisposition to less efficient receptor activity tend to consume more of certain foods and beverages.
Sugar cravings are influenced by variations of a sweet taste gene that has a role as a glucose sensor in the brain. People with these variations are genetically predisposed to prefer sugary foods.
“Fat” can also be considered a taste, with specialised sensors on the tongue, in which genetic variation affects fat taste perception. Fat is not necessarily a bad word though, as some people benefit from certain types of fats in their diet to optimise weight.
How DietaryChoice™ can help you
This is a personalised genetic report that aims to identify your genetic predisposition to unhealthy eating behaviours to prevent diet-related health issues and promote wellness as well as optimal weight management.
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