23andMe or
Ancestry.com Conversion

Have you done a 23andMe or Ancestry.com test?
23andMe and Ancestory.com are popular services that can tell you where your ancestors lived more than 500 years ago, trace your DNA across different countries, or determine groups of people with whom you share DNA, even back to the Neanderthals!
How valuable is this data to you? It might satisfy your curiosity about the origins of your DNA, but what else?
Fitgenes can convert your 23andMe or Ancestory.com data into something with true value, providing you with potentially life-changing information, focussing on your future, not your past.
Our analysis of your DNA data can set you on the path to improved health and wellbeing based on the information from your 23andMe or Ancestory.com test.
How to purchase
Your privacy is important to us
Fitgenes takes your privacy very seriously. We don’t share or sell data and have an extremely high level of protection when we manage your samples and data, using bank-level encryption and 24 hour security.