Why Choose Fitgenes
Focussed on your future
We know that health and wellbeing doesn’t begin and end with a DNA test, that’s why Fitgenes is there for the journey.
A DNA test will give you a snapshot of your genetics – a picture of how you were made – useful if you’re charting your family history.
But Fitgenes is all about your future, not your past. We’re focussed on your life ahead, solutions for health and wellness now and for the rest of your life.
We can’t alter your genetic make-up, your genes are your genes. But we can provide ways to regulate your genetic responses that can help you achieve your goals.

Your Support Network
Losing weight or tackling a health issue can be a lonely, fruitless journey without the right support network.
Fitgenes has a network of independently trained and accredited practitioners to help interpret your genetic report and guide you toward achieving your health and wellness goals.
Everyone’s DNA is unique, personalised to you. Contact us and we can match you with a practitioner who can help you with a personalised plan that matches your DNA profile.
The Fitgenes Advantage
In Australia, Fitgenes is a trailblazer in nutrigenomics, the study of how nutrients affect the way genes behave in the body. We have been providing DNA based solutions longer than any other Australian-based company.
Our genetic reports are evidence-based – using published scientific literature supported by a global network of trained and trusted accredited practitioners.
While science is able to map an individual’s entire genome, this bewilderingly large volume of information is difficult to interpret. Fitgenes focusses on selected genes to ensure our advice is targeted and easy to understand.